want to sell my john deere 2510

okay guys and gals I want to sell my john deere 2510 gas tractor.
it has wide front easy on steps front weights dual hyds three point hitch,
how do I price this tractor?
look at tractorhouse.com Then cut it by 1/3 you will be close to what tractor will bring without setting on it for a long time. They have auction results also.
Yup, tractorhouse prices are "dreamer" prices. You can go back there month after month and it's the same ones for sale. Pretty much any ad you see anywhere with a tractor for sale is the "dreamer" price. The good deals sell quick and you never see the ads.

Pricing tractors is not an exact science. You are basically pulling numbers out of thin air. Look at what you paid, what you put into it for repairs (with appropriate depreciation), and what people are asking for tractors of the same model, if you can find them for sale. Pick a number somewhere in the middle of all that, that you feel good about.

Don't worry about starting out too high. You can always lower the price. You can't (morally or ethically) raise the price once a buyer accepts your offer.
look at tractorhouse.com Then cut it by 1/3 you will be close to what tractor will bring without setting on it for a long time. They have auction results also.
I have good friend who thinks I should ask $6000 Another friend thinks 4500 is more realist.
I no longer use tractor I used it when I still baled hay good tractor for what I did with it.
I have good friend who thinks I should ask $6000 Another friend thinks 4500 is more realist.
I no longer use tractor I used it when I still baled hay good tractor for what I did with it.
I don't know what you think will happen if you ask $6000 and it turns out to be too much, but let me assure you, if you have even a modicum of self-respect, NOTHING will happen. You might get some people telling you that you're crazy, but you don't have to listen to them. If you get no serious offers in what you feel is a reasonable amount of time, then post a new ad with a lower price. Repeat until it sells.

People let ads run far too long, believing that "the right person hasn't seen it yet, and if I wait just a little longer..." That's true if the ad's only a few hours to a few days old, but once a few weeks have gone by, everyone that is going to see the ad has seen it. The right person HAS seen it, they just think your price is too high.
okay guys and gals I want to sell my john deere 2510 gas tractor.
it has wide front easy on steps front weights dual hyds three point hitch,
how do I price this tractor?
Just in the last couple of years there was a 2510 near me like what you describe except NFE and 4300 one owner hours. It sold quick for 4,800 dollars. If you have a sharp tractor with no issues I would think you could get at least 5,000 dollars.
Find 10 comparable for sale. Total the 10 and divide by 10. 50 % discount.from the average of 10 should move it pretty quick. You should not have to move off this price. I never do anyway .
Being a gas tractor is going to drop the price. Most people prefer a diesel. My guess is the 45 is more in line. I disagree with those who say price it high and come down later if necessary. If one is priced that way I won't check again. Corse it could be I'm an oddball. Lol
Being a gas tractor is going to drop the price. Most people prefer a diesel. My guess is the 45 is more in line. I disagree with those who say price it high and come down later if necessary. If one is priced that way I won't check again. Corse it could be I'm an oddball. Lol
I think you are right if you price to high won't get lookers

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