WD pick up plow


New User
Does anyone have a manual for the WD pick-up plow. I just found this plow and I believe it is the older WD plow. It is not a snap coupler plow. The drawbar on the plow has holes where you would insert a horizontal pin. It has 2 lift rods with a cast pieces that look like they slide over the lift arms with pins. The main beams are curved down to the frogs. The bottoms have replaceable shares and shins. I'm not sure how this plow hooks to the underside of the tractor. I'm probably missing some pieces that connect to the tractor. also does anyone know p/n's for shares and shins or where I can get them.
The cast iron pieces do indeed fit onto the lift arms. The tractor's drawbar slips into the plow hitch and is pinned. The drawbar bail pins are removed so that the drawbar can move up and down with the plow. Bail clamp on drawbar has to be loosened. The plow bottoms could be #24, 25, 124, 125, 325. Look for a painted number on the back of a moldboard, or look for a stamped or cast part number on the reverse side of the moldboard and share. Should be a 6 digit number beginning with 3, or could be some numbers following an LX prefix. Some numbers would aid in identification of the bottom.
Does it look like this?

<a href="http://s125.photobucket.com/albums/p58/craichel/?action=view&current=IMG_0474.jpg" target="_blank">
IMG_0474.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

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