wd45D advice


Well-known Member
My 45 diesel is leaking fuel at the no.3 injector return line. Over the years dad has bent the return lines to replace the compression nuts. I think the return line is at the point where it will break if I try to remove the compression nut.

What I want to do is make a completely new return line using 1/4 steel brake line with compression tees and elbows rather than trying to solder all those little pieces together. I asked on another forum and was told I should work. I was told I should also replace the rubber sleeves.

My parts book is not showing any rubber sleeves that I can see. I don't remember any rubber sleeves the last time I watched dad bend the lines to replace cracked compression nuts or the little brass furrels.

Any idea what this rubber sleeve would be?

Little info on the tractor. Dad bought it in 1974 it just had a short block and rebuild head installed. I think it's a 1957. besides changing the seal in the lift pump. Only other problem dad's had is the compression nuts cracking on the return lines.


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There has been a whole lot of those tractors parked due to cracked heads and blocks. I wouldn't be surprised if you could easily locate that line from a parts engine. Ask here or message me for a link to the other AC page.
All the compression tees, elbows, nuts, and tubing bender pliers came in the mail today. I'm going to try and make a new return line.

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