Weight of a H&S 220 spreader


Well-known Member
Anyone have a ball park weight on an H&S 220 w/ endgate? Have a line on one a guys has as a backup, says he'll sell it for scrap weight since they just don't use it.

It'll need a little bit of work, but we could either sell it after it's fixed up or keep it and haul 2x as fast. It needs a new beater, but I'm gonna make one for ours starting this week and We got the tube we need to start that project from him as well.

Donovan from Wisconsin
I"ve got a 200 bu H&S but no book- bought it on auction from the 2nd farm I bought in "82...but considering the slabs of plate steel they"re made from, you could measure and calculate pretty close except for the beater and gearbox!

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