Weird Sound Coming From my M6800 Tractor


New User
When I start my tractor, initially everything sounds fine, however once I move the lever to the left of the steering column (I believe that is called the shuttle shifter) from neutral to either forward or reverse and then return the lever back to neutral there is a brief grinding noise that occurs. It sounds really bad but quickly goes away. Other than that, the tractor operates in forward and reverse with no issues. I have tried shifting the high and low shifter and the shifter on the floor to see if there is any difference, but the brief grinding noise happened when returning back to neutral no matter what configuration of shifters I used. Never owned a Kubota before and would appreciate any help diagnosing this issue. Thanks.
I have the M6040 with hydraulic shuttle shift which is the next generation after yours so I'm interested in what you find out.
First thing I would look at is fluid level. Also, does it do this after it is warmed up? Let us know if you find the cure.
When cold, (shuttle shift in neutral, trans in gear) my whole tractor will rock in place forward and back until the oil is warmed up.
Does this M6800 have synchro or hyd shuttle(reverser)?? If synchro shuttle I suggest to check control linkage. Several yrs ago I owned a M4900 with synchro shuttle that the synchronizers failed & reverser ended up stuck in reverse. I had to have tractor split & reverser clutches/synchronizers replaced.

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