Went to an auction today


Well-known Member
With a couple of Cases there, a 2090 and a 930CK. Missed them both being sold, three rings and was there after a New Holland round baler which I bought. Anyway I talked with the young man who bought the 930 for $1500, and told him it was a good thing I was occupied somewhere else or he would have had to pay some more for it. I was reinforcing his purchase in his mind and congratulating him at the same time. He said he already had a NF 830 which I oohed and aahed on as that was a tractor I had drove as a youth. The 930 had the fuel lines unhooked and laying on the platform so it was not running so I showed him how to do a quick check to see if the motor was free. I told him about the YT site and Case forum where a bunch of old men hang out to answer questions on Case tractors. It was refreshing to see a young guy, probably around 27 years old, interested in Case tractors, made me happier than buying the baler.
With a couple of Cases there, a 2090 and a 930CK. Missed them both being sold, three rings and was there after a New Holland round baler which I bought. Anyway I talked with the young man who bought the 930 for $1500, and told him it was a good thing I was occupied somewhere else or he would have had to pay some more for it. I was reinforcing his purchase in his mind and congratulating him at the same time. He said he already had a NF 830 which I oohed and aahed on as that was a tractor I had drove as a youth. The 930 had the fuel lines unhooked and laying on the platform so it was not running so I showed him how to do a quick check to see if the motor was free. I told him about the YT site and Case forum where a bunch of old men hang out to answer questions on Case tractors. It was refreshing to see a young guy, probably around 27 years old, interested in Case tractors, made me happier than buying the baler.
I looked at the auction listing online this morning, but didn't really see anything I couldn't live without lol. Some things I wouldn't mind having though. I had a tractor club meeting today anyway so I saved some money or I'm sure I would have bought something!
With a couple of Cases there, a 2090 and a 930CK. Missed them both being sold, three rings and was there after a New Holland round baler which I bought. Anyway I talked with the young man who bought the 930 for $1500, and told him it was a good thing I was occupied somewhere else or he would have had to pay some more for it. I was reinforcing his purchase in his mind and congratulating him at the same time. He said he already had a NF 830 which I oohed and aahed on as that was a tractor I had drove as a youth. The 930 had the fuel lines unhooked and laying on the platform so it was not running so I showed him how to do a quick check to see if the motor was free. I told him about the YT site and Case forum where a bunch of old men hang out to answer questions on Case tractors. It was refreshing to see a young guy, probably around 27 years old, interested in Case tractors, made me happier than buying the baler.
What model baler? I bought a 648 and have yet to make one trouble free bale.
BR 7060, you always hope that you're not buying a lemon and the reason someone is parting with a piece of machinery is other circumstances. A New Holland square baler sitting next to this round baler looked hardly used, just like the round baler. Probably will use it next week and find out.
BR 7060, you always hope that you're not buying a lemon and the reason someone is parting with a piece of machinery is other circumstances. A New Holland square baler sitting next to this round baler looked hardly used, just like the round baler. Probably will use it next week and find out.
You should be happy with that baler. Next model after the BR 750 I bought last year. Super nice operating baler...less than 4000 bales thru it. Makes a beautiful bale.
BR 7060, you always hope that you're not buying a lemon and the reason someone is parting with a piece of machinery is other circumstances. A New Holland square baler sitting next to this round baler looked hardly used, just like the round baler. Probably will use it next week and find out.
Good Luck with your purchase. We have a 644 and are completely satisfied with it. As dependable as most of their small square balers.

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