What am i getting myself in to here? 1949? Ferguson

I have a chance to buy a Harry Ferguson sec.# TO-10588.
The fellow that has it is the original owner. Said its been on his farm since 1950. Everything appears to be there, fenders, hood, engine. Complete tractor. He said it hasn't run in 5 or 6 years. and has set outside that long anyway . Gas tank is rusty inside All 4 tire are original (Dry rot) wont hold air long he said. Front Rims and LT rear rim look good but RT. rear is rusted bad. 6volt sys. PTO shaft is there but it has a peace of pipe over it.?
There are also 3 implements that come with it. Disc. Maybe 8FT ? wide. 2? 3? blade plow. that was in peace but he said it is all there somewhere.
And a rake, aging ?8 foot wide? Implements are in fair shape.

I can handle mechanical part. The parts available is my concern.
and the price$$$ to be fair to him.
Shame on me i did not interduce myself in the begin. My name is Kelly.
(quoted from post at 22:43:01 03/08/21)
I can handle mechanical part. The parts available is my concern.
and the price$$$ to be fair to him.

You are getting good replies about the many possible issues that can occur with an old machine.

You specifically asked about parts and price so I'll attempt to address only that.

In my experience parts have been readily available from various online sources.

Pricing a non-runner is really hard. Pricing seems to vary regionally. My area seems to be priced higher than some others based on comments I see posted here.

Around here-- If block seems sound, engine turns, and you trust that it did indeed run when parked, maybe a thousand dollars for it. It should be easy to get running as these are simple machines. If any of those conditions are in doubt, the price drops very quickly. Bad tires make the price much more uncertain as they get expensive. Take that into consideration.

The implements can be worth something if they are in usable shape, but a dollar value is hard to say. Locally, small disks are in demand-- if in working order.

They are great little tractors. They are also quite old by now. They will have the expected age related issues, especially if they have been left to sit.

If you do buy it and start to get it working again you can get great and helpful advice right here.
Hi Kelly. On your pricing issue... I bought a '51 TO-30 last summer with a Wagner loader (the "jungle gym" type, since removed). Started right up on 6V, good tires, rear are turf type, came with a front tilt down guard and a swinging drawbar. Paid $1,300. This was an estate auction just down the road from me, only tractor in the sale. The old guy used it with a finish mower. I'm in SE Ohio.
I agree with the others. You may be getting a winner for a decent price. Parts are available either new or used. I have used this site for parts, mail order catalogs and a lot of eBay for used parts. There is also a guy in western New York who builds wiring harnesses that are very exact and modern, but, vintage looking. Let us know what you do.


(quoted from post at 18:43:01 03/08/21) I have a chance to buy a Harry Ferguson sec.# TO-10588.
The fellow that has it is the original owner. Said its been on his farm since 1950. Everything appears to be there, fenders, hood, engine. Complete tractor. He said it hasn't run in 5 or 6 years. and has set outside that long anyway . Gas tank is rusty inside All 4 tire are original (Dry rot) wont hold air long he said. Front Rims and LT rear rim look good but RT. rear is rusted bad. 6volt sys. PTO shaft is there but it has a peace of pipe over it.?
There are also 3 implements that come with it. Disc. Maybe 8FT ? wide. 2? 3? blade plow. that was in peace but he said it is all there somewhere.
And a rake, aging ?8 foot wide? Implements are in fair shape.

I can handle mechanical part. The parts available is my concern.
and the price$$$ to be fair to him.
Shame on me i did not interduce myself in the begin. My name is Kelly.

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