What happened to the quality of redwing boots

Then again maybe your arches have dropped a little to where your feet are flatter now.

I have some shoes that developed what felt like ripples in them and I think it was the insoles that developed imprints from the toes and other parts so when my feet move inside while walking it feels like ripples. Run your hand up inside to check. Part of it may be these newer types of memory foam they are using.

My flat feet won't let me wear the wolverine or Justin slipons so now I have a couple pairs of lace up Keanes, one with steel toe and one without. Had to have the steel toes at the farm when trimming horse and donkey hooves. When a thousand pound horse decides to stomp his hoof down, he does it no matter where my feet are. Wore the steel toe slipons when riding for the same reason. These were BLM mustangs we adopted.

And if low quality drives buyers to cheaper brands, the company has to make a go of it on one-time buyers.

So, I guess the business model is to not run out of first time and only time buyers?
Quite the opposite. They're trying to keep their repeat buyers by keeping the price stable, and hoping that the buyers won't notice the difference in the product.

Actually I don't think it's quite that nefarious. I think the people at the top truly, honestly, blindly believe that what they're getting from overseas in the sea cans is just as good anything they've ever produced.
Been wearing the redwing slip on boots for probably close to 30 years pair after pair always seemed identical I bought a pair 6 months ago and they are the most uncomfortable boots I've ever had in my life I've tried 3 different insoles and still can't wear them feels like ripples on the bottom of my feet anyone else notice this .I'm going to try another brand but just looking for recomendations.
I wore red wing boots for over 20 years. Their quality stinks now I’ll ever go back to them. Changed out to whatever brand I could find a couple years ago. And the price of Redwing is totally ridiculous.

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