What replaces N/H Ambra Multi G Oil??


We are servicing a customers N/H T4020 and the local dealer parts personel does not seem to know what oil to give me. The owners
manual calls for Ambra Multi G and it says the N/H spec is NH410B and it is a API GL4, ISO 32/46 SAE 10W30.

I suspect it is is been replaced with something newer like Hytran Ultraction or whatever it is called today. Tractor only has 500
hours on it and don't want any finger pointing down the road if there are any problems, so I want the correct recommended oil in


found elsewhere.....

CNH PowerPoint talking about Ultraction says it is replacing, Hy-tran, Master-tran, G134, and Nexplore. It is fully compatible with the older oils so a mix of older oil won't hurt your system.
OK, thanks for the replies. Messick's shows zero on inventory of either under the Case-IH or HN listing......makes me think it may
be no longer available.

I have a barrel of Hy-tran Ultraction here.....that is what is going to go in it.

Thanks again for the replies!

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