What the heck is THAT??


OK, I have to ask, this looks to be a David Brown 1200A
It looks like possibly has an extra planetary gear box added to one side of the diff. WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT???
BTW this tractor is available in S TX with a stuck motor for $1000, it looks pretty beat up.
David Brown 1200A.jpg
FWIW, DB finals are a spur gear set up, not planetary.

Looks like a normal 1200 to me. Normally the final drive hides inside the rear wheel, just they have it spaced way out for some reason. Possibly because they put a 23,1-26 on that side, off of a combine, which won't clear the final drive if turned the other way, unless you cut out the dish and move it. Been there, done that with 18.4-26s on a 990 off a JD 4400. They look really good when done right, that one wasn't.

Left tire appears to still be an 18.4-30, similar rolling diameter to a 23.1-26.
Dang if that is a 23.1-26 I wish it was a little cheaper as I would buy it just for the tire, I am having a hard time finding used 23.1-26 tires, can't afford new ones.
I have been meaning to hit up some of the highway construction companies as it looks like some of the units that grind asphalt use them.

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