Where to put Power Steering fluid on D17


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by chappie on June 12, 2017 at 07:14:30.
The original subject was "Re: Where to put Power Steering fluid on D17".

I have a I&T reproduction of a D-17 shop service manual (also for D-10, D12, D-14, D-15, 160, 170, and 175). It says on page 8 to use Type "A" automatic transmission fluid in the Series II D-15, Series III D-17, and Series IV D-17 tractors. Wikipedia explains that Type A automatic transmission fluid was a GM spec that was replaced by Dexron and then Dexron II, III, etc., and now VI, so that is what I am using. I also was puzzled as to how to fill the power steering reservoir, being a little confused by the breather tube with steel wool in front of the radiator behind the grill, etc. The D-17 shop service manual was no help in that regard, so Old's explanation to remove the breather tube was appreciated and to fill above the gear was appreciated. The shop service manual was no help in that regard.
Fluids, where to drain and fill, etc. are not in the service manual.. That info is in the operator manual.

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