White 2-110 hydraulic valve

The valves must have an O ring that failed on my 2-110. The parts book shows 3 O rings between each valve. Do I need to drain the hydraulic reservoir before working on the valves?
Is it leaking from between the valves or from the spool itself inside the valve? If you are taking the valves off to put the o rings between the valves you would be better of putting new o rings in the valve itself too.

Long story short to Answer your question, yes the hydraulic oil will have to be drained to work on that. You will still loose some oil when you go to take the valves apart.

I can call you and talk about it better if you would like.

Bailey @ Antique Acres
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There's been a couple of times that I thought mine were leaking. It turned out to the the nut was loose on those o ring hose fittings.
There's been a couple of times that I thought mine were leaking. It turned out to the the nut was loose on those o ring hose fittings.
I have found that the original style hoses start leaking at the swivel most of the time. I have been converting them to jic style fittings hose ends.

Bailey @ Antique Acres

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