White 2-150 Production

Hey everyone, just wanted to pop in and ask a quick question. Does anyone know how many of the White 2-150 were produced? They were only in production from 1975-1976 so I'm just curious as to how many they made in that time frame. Would anyone know where to find that information as well? Thanks a whole lot!
Hmmm. No SN information on Tractordata.com. But the first year of the 2-155 was only 3500
Hey everyone, just wanted to pop in and ask a quick question. Does anyone know how many of the White 2-150 were produced? They were only in production from 1975-1976 so I'm just curious as to how many they made in that time frame. Would anyone know where to find that information as well? Thanks a whole lot!
Hmmm. No SN information on Tractordata.com. But the first year of the 2-155 was only 3500
2-155 was a completely and totally different tractor, not an improved 150. The 2-135 and 155 were White's first new design 2 wheel drive that wasn't a carry over. The 2-150 was just a Moilne G1355 with different sheet metal.

2-155 was a completely and totally different tractor, not an improved 150. The 2-135 and 155 were White's first new design 2 wheel drive that wasn't a carry over. The 2-150 was just a Moilne G1355 with different sheet metal.
Fully understand and agree with that. I just could not find anything on the 2-150. So, just thought I'd look at the next model, just to get a number. Does anyone have White 2-150 production numbers? It looks like Moline was selling around 7000 in 1974.
Hey everyone, just wanted to pop in and ask a quick question. Does anyone know how many of the White 2-150 were produced? They were only in production from 1975-1976 so I'm just curious as to how many they made in that time frame. Would anyone know where to find that information as well? Thanks a whole lot!
Different Serial Numbering system than MM used as these were built in Charles City using their numbering system. You can't just subtract yearly beginning numbers like you could with MM and others systems. No way they built anywhere close to 7000 of them !
According to Lloyd McCray's book the serial number ranges attributed to the G1355, 2270, 2-150 is as follows:

Oliver G1355 (2270 White/Cockshutt):

1972: 236442-236456
1973: 237875-244145
1974: 245258-252710

MM G1355 (Charles City Built)

1973: 236440-244184
1974: 245258-252710

White 2-150:

1975: 257889-265201
1976: 266783-271312

MMDan is absolutely right about the numbering system. Those numbers were shared across multiple tractor models., 2-70, 2-85, 2-105, 2-150, 2255, 2-80, 4-80, 1555, 1655, 1755, 550, 4-150, , etc..

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