White 2-150 Spec Questions

Hi all! I'm looking into some old tractors and while researching the "White 2-150" I'm having some trouble finding out some specs. Do any of you all know the answer to these questions or where I can find some answers?
-fuel capacity
-oil capacity
-coolant capacity
-length of unit
-height of unit
-front tread
-read tread

I really appreciate the help! Thanks all.
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Hi all! I'm looking into some old tractors and while researching the "White 2-150" I'm having some trouble finding out some specs. Do any of you all know the answer to these questions or where I can find some answers?
-fuel capacity
-oil capacity
-coolant capacity
-length of unit
-height of unit
-front tread
-read tread

I really appreciate the help! Thanks all.

Fuel (Main tank): 40 gal
Oil (case and filter): 15 qts.
Coolant: 33 (+1.5 if cab heater) qts.

That's assuming it has the 585 still in it and not a transplant. Your dimensions are dependent on how the tractor is equipped.

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