White 2-155 Steering


New User
Hello all, new member here. I have a White 2-155, steering is absolutely terrible. Removed the rad to access the steering cylinder and found the Torque Link I believe they call, that ties the steering cylinder to the tractor frame has a sheared stud. Figure this is likely the problem, can not for the life of me get either the stud out of the steering cylinder (broken one) nor the one going through the bottom of the tractor frame out. Is there a trick anyone knows of or do I just have to keep getting pressure on it to press it out?
Hello all, new member here. I have a White 2-155, steering is absolutely terrible. Removed the rad to access the steering cylinder and found the Torque Link I believe they call, that ties the steering cylinder to the tractor frame has a sheared stud. Figure this is likely the problem, can not for the life of me get either the stud out of the steering cylinder (broken one) nor the one going through the bottom of the tractor frame out. Is there a trick anyone knows of or do I just have to keep getting pressure on it to press it out?
The hole and the bolt are tapered, go in from opposite directions. I've got a bunch of those in Whites and Olivers. I've welded a few in that were badly worn. I don't know that you can get one out without lifting the cylinder. When you do get one loose, it should pop all at once.

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