White 2-50 Transmission Problems


Well-known Member
Central Wi
I just picked up a 1979 White 2-50 that has transmission problems. This one has the 8 speed. The problem is that it jumps out of first and third gear when its is in either range Hi or low. Is this an easy fix? Should I try to find a replacement transmission?
I just picked up a 1979 White 2-50 that has transmission problems. This one has the 8 speed. The problem is that it jumps out of first and third gear when its is in either range Hi or low. Is this an easy fix? Should I try to find a replacement transmission?
Does anybody have a complete transmission for the 2-50?
I don't, but you can widen your search by finding out which other tractors are the same. Fiat, Long, Oliver, Allis Chalmers........ They were all Fiats.
New Parts are readily available for it. Usually the transmission pops out of 3rd and 4th gear as these two are the synchromesh gears.
The gears,shifting collar and 3 sets of clips are wore out. The tranny has to be pulled out and disassembled.It is very straightforward work.
Would definitely Overhaul it first.
I own 2 - 1365 Oliver’s which are the older version of a 2-60 White.
I just picked up a 1979 White 2-50 that has transmission problems. This one has the 8 speed. The problem is that it jumps out of first and third gear when its is in either range Hi or low. Is this an easy fix? Should I try to find a replacement transmission?
I sold the tractor to a White tractor collector.

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