White 5100 6r to 4r

Think about it- you'll wind up with a four row planter!! ll--llll--llll--1111--1111--11. Just take the end two units off...
Ok I see what your saying. I'll take a unit off each end and have a four row. Just wasn't sure if chains would need to be moved. Our could I harvest 4rows from a 6row planter?
How good are you at keeping your rows straight? Only issue I can see, if the rows are straight, would be the corners. You'd have to either not plant the corners at all, plan on running some down, or go back and harvest the 2 rows left over separate..

Donovan from Wisconsin
If your fields are square, harvesting 4 with 6 planted is not too hard, just stay on your marker, and plant a 'square' corner.

Ya going straight shouldn't be to bad. As for corners I always plant square, just because it easier to
harvest. Thanks for the input.

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