Who's the YT's resident David Brown information resource?


Is there a go-to David Brown answer guy on Yesterday's Tractors? My DB tech questions posted here almost universally go unanswered. I used to pester Arlen in Oregon. The UK David Brown Tractor Club was a great resource but the site has been hacked into oblivion. Now, I have only a guy in Finland (I met on the UK DB site) that I kinda hate to bother with tractor questions given the current state of things over there. I have downloaded a pile of DB shop manual stuff, a lot of which I have come to conclude the information within is dated. I've been caught out a few times using spec's or a procedure that caused operational issues, only find later that the spec or whatever was changed. Adjustment the 3-point quadrant comes to mind.
deja vu . . .
deja vu all over again. The guy's on here know CASE, but not so much D-B. David Brown was a great little tractor, until CASE ruined them. Imagine replacing 770's 870's & 970's with Browns?? That's not what the David Brown was intended for. Nuff rant. My suggestion is to get a Service Manual. A contact that was recommended to me is: [email protected]

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