Wont start with Key but can with wrench

I have a Ford 3600 diesel where the key start just stopped working a couple months ago. I know I can just jump the starter with a wrench to start and that has been working for the tiny amount I was using the tractor. Well now I am using the tractor every day and I dont want to do permanent damage by jumping it so much and would also like to get it ready for winter. When I turn the key right the lights come on the dash and I am getting a battery low light. When I turn the key for a start it does nothing. No click, no turn over, nothing. its like its not even hooked up. When I jump the tractor with my wrench on the starter and then turn the key the battery light is still on. Ive tried tracing all the wires without ripping off the entire body and after alot of grime cleaning Iv confirmed I cannot find any broken cables or leads knocked off. I bought an extra ignition key and am going to swap that out but I doubt its that as the key still turns and lights still come up. Does this sound like it is a specific part not working as it should or am I going electrical hunting to try and find a short?
I know there is nothing wrong with the battery as its brand new from earlier this year and it starts every time I jump the tractor with the wrench.
There's not much to the starting circuit on the 3600. Key switch. neutral switch, and a couple wires. Nothing tricky. Neutral switch is under the shift cover, the wires leading in and out of it are in plain sight. Locate the two wire connector, unplug it and "jump" the two wires. That eliminates the neutral switch, leaving only the key switch and some wires.
Jiggle your hi-lo lever on the transmission while holding the key in the start position. That activates the neutral safety switch. It may need a little adjustment. If it starts please report back. You can also remove the lower shield under the steering wheel and

unplug the wires from the safety switch and then reconnect the the 2 wires together on the front part of the harness. This will bypass the switch. But, try jigging that shift lever first.
Reporting back. Tractor will start when my hi low shifter is in the neutral position. Will not start in high or in low. Iv had the tractor since January. Is this normal behavior?
Reporting back. Tractor will start when my hi low shifter is in the neutral position. Will not start in high or in low. Iv had the tractor since January. Is this normal behavior?
Yes, that is the neutral start safety feature, working as it should.

Do you have an Operator's Manual for your tractor?
Yes, that is the neutral start safety feature, working as it should.

Do you have an Operator's Manual for your tractor?
Yes I do. And I feel kinda dumb because I was using it for 6 months with the key just fine and then it just stopped working and I guess I stopped putting it in neutral on the high low when I was done for the day. First tractor with that feature. I'll make sure I read the manual again in case I missed something that I should be doing for the tractor.
Yes I do. And I feel kinda dumb because I was using it for 6 months with the key just fine and then it just stopped working and I guess I stopped putting it in neutral on the high low when I was done for the day. First tractor with that feature. I'll make sure I read the manual again in case I missed something that I should be doing for the tractor.
You tested the system, the neutral start is working, that is a good thing. Don't feel bad, we all overlook things sometimes.

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