Wood stove first fire of the season


Well-known Member
Yesterday I fired up my wood burning stove for the first time this year. Seams a little early for Soutghern California, but it's starting to get cold. I have my logs cut and dried., at my shop area, about a block away. All I need to do is haul them to my house, too split and stack. I usually have this done by now, but other things come along. Tonight, I have a good fire going. Anyone else have a fire going this time of year? Stan
Yesterday I fired up my wood burning stove for the first time this year. Seams a little early for Soutghern California, but it's starting to get cold. I have my logs cut and dried., at my shop area, about a block away. All I need to do is haul them to my house, too split and stack. I usually have this done by now, but other things come along. Tonight, I have a good fire going. Anyone else have a fire going this time of year? Stan
Still running my AC in Arkansas. Supposed to be 80 tomorrow.
Yesterday I fired up my wood burning stove for the first time this year. Seams a little early for Soutghern California, but it's starting to get cold. I have my logs cut and dried., at my shop area, about a block away. All I need to do is haul them to my house, too split and stack. I usually have this done by now, but other things come along. Tonight, I have a good fire going. Anyone else have a fire going this time of year? Stan
Hello Stan a picture woukd be nice......... Larry
Corn burner has been going the last 3 days. We went from 80 degrees last week to 50 daytime temperature and a tiny bit of snow even the night before last
Been using the cookstove in the kitchen off and on since September. Lit the big stove in the living room occasionally since mid October. Both of them burning right now, left over fire in the big stove from when I stoked it at three AM, kitchen fire started at seven to cook breakfast.

$5.29/gallon propane, plus $100/year “ low use fee”, adds up to nearly $7/gallon. We will cook with wood any chance we get.
I used my tractor to put 3 pallets of firewood in the carport (so its tractor related)
Burn wood every day...for the next 5 months :oops:
I have 10 @ 40ft beetle killed logs in case I run out !
We have been burning wood as needed for the last month, but we will soon leave for Arizona for the winter, after we deer hunt in N MN. I cut a lot more wood that we burn, so I sell a few cords.
Turned my furnace on around the first of Oct. Runs when needed. Quit burning wood when they brought natural gas down the road 30 years ago. Saved a lot of money for the 10 years prior to that over propane.
Second winter without wood, heat, cooking and hot water jacket. Put in propane line when we built new cabin last fall but haven't needed it yet. We had a very mild winter last year. Passive solar southern exposure with concrete floor heat sink, inside solar heat coil and hot water radiator. I heated this place with 2 flower pot heaters and candles, when it was freezing outside last winter but candles cost money to make. We have a small radiant electric heater that we use in the van that will run on the solar generator that we could heat this place, in a short cold spell....James
We have been burning wood as needed for the last month, but we will soon leave for Arizona for the winter, after we deer hunt in N MN. I cut a lot more wood that we burn, so I sell a few cords.
Got a small buck with my bow on 11-1. Now waiting gun season up north on the 15th.
I've had the Polar G2+ running full time since friday night, It is a wood boiler, I run about once a week for domestic hot water all year, boiler holds 250 gallons, and I have a 1500 gal anhydrous tank that I modified for storage, in an inclosed and insulated box in my garage. Unless we hit a warm snap, which is unlikely now here in Iowa, it will be running until at least May
I've had the Polar G2+ running full time since friday night, It is a wood boiler, I run about once a week for domestic hot water all year, boiler holds 250 gallons, and I have a 1500 gal anhydrous tank that I modified for storage, in an inclosed and insulated box in my garage. Unless we hit a warm snap, which is unlikely now here in Iowa, it will be running until at least May
Do I have this correct? You heat, and hold hot water in a 1500 gal tank until May? Stan
Do I have this correct? You heat, and hold hot water in a 1500 gal tank until May? Stan
sorta of, I heat the tank with each burn cycle, when the storage tank drops 12 degrees the boiler fires and heats the tank back to 180, then cycle repeats, it lets the boiler run full bore during a burn, but also gives me longer times between loadings and burn cycles, very hard to explain on a forum, I would be glad to talk it over on the phone, but that is the general idea

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