Yanmar 2200

Hello all! New member here who has been looking for an inexpensive tractor and just found a Yanmar 2200 for 500 and the trailer it's on for an additional 300. Problem is, it's a 2200 and I know the weirdness with that particular model from Yanmar.

It runs but it's idling high and a mechanic said it's injection timing but wouldn't fix it for the current owner.

We just purchased about 28 acres of land, most of it on a slope, and I need something to keep growth at bay for fire mitigation and also a loader for general work, a box scraper, etc. this has no attachments and I'm unsure how to locate attachments that will work with it.

So, what do you all think? Is this something I should grab and get working to where I need it to be or should I run away?

Any insights would be appreciated!
I've got a 1025 JD with 3 cylinder yanmar diesel. That engine is strong and bullet proof. Have you got a dealer nearby that is going to be there tomorrow?
I've got a 1025 JD with 3 cylinder yanmar diesel. That engine is strong and bullet proof. Have you got a dealer nearby that is going to be there tomorrow?
I'm in NorCal and there are people around though I don't know who's good and who isn't, this will be the first tractor I've ever owned personally. Driven plenty of old ones, this will do what I need assuming I can find a loader that will work for it, but I am concerned about finding those parts and just mechanical parts in general for it. Is it worth it or should I continue looking around?
My advice is keep looking for a tractor with a loader already on it, if you want a loader tractor.
Appreciated. I just checked it out and took some pictures. Keeping the above in mind, I'd love any thoughts or perspectives on what you see in these photos...

Some call me the Yanmar GURU, whatever. But, I would pass and run away from a YM2200 or YM2700 as the two are not related with parts to any other YM model. These were created for a certain niche to fill the Japan market.

The high idle condition can be one of a few things. The simplest is a bad fuel pump governor. Rebuild and then you need to time the governor. The cost could be $400 and up.

Keep looking. You are in the south were better known Yanmar models are plentiful.

For over 20 acres, you will need at least a YM3110 or higher number model. Or a domestic Yanmar YM330. No 2-clyindar Yanmar for that amount of acres will perform well for you. A 3-cylinder would be best.
Hey all, appreciate the replies. Sincerely.

Really, the cost of this was the most tempting part, but I'm old enough to know that every low cost machine comes at a cost (a lesson I continuously learn).

For the acreage, I'm on 28 acres and maybe, MAYBE, 4 is actually "usable". There's a rough but driveable access road down the back but it slopes everywhere on the sides to such a degree that any vehicle including a tractor would immediately go rear over tea kettle. Complicated back there. Would eventually like to install some trails, but a lot of that will be by hand on the difficult terrain.

Whatever the case, if there's someone in Northern California looking for a YM2200 cheap for parts or to use, I know of one going for $500!

Thanks for all the replies and if anyone has any leads on a small loader like those, I'm all ears!
Hello all! New member here who has been looking for an inexpensive tractor and just found a Yanmar 2200 for 500 and the trailer it's on for an additional 300. Problem is, it's a 2200 and I know the weirdness with that particular model from Yanmar.

It runs but it's idling high and a mechanic said it's injection timing but wouldn't fix it for the current owner.

We just purchased about 28 acres of land, most of it on a slope, and I need something to keep growth at bay for fire mitigation and also a loader for general work, a box scraper, etc. this has no attachments and I'm unsure how to locate attachments that will work with it.

So, what do you all think? Is this something I should grab and get working to where I need it to be or should I run away?

Any insights would be appreciated!
Hey all, appreciate the replies. Sincerely.

Really, the cost of this was the most tempting part, but I'm old enough to know that every low cost machine comes at a cost (a lesson I continuously learn).

For the acreage, I'm on 28 acres and maybe, MAYBE, 4 is actually "usable". There's a rough but driveable access road down the back but it slopes everywhere on the sides to such a degree that any vehicle including a tractor would immediately go rear over tea kettle. Complicated back there. Would eventually like to install some trails, but a lot of that will be by hand on the difficult terrain.

Whatever the case, if there's someone in Northern California looking for a YM2200 cheap for parts or to use, I know of one going for $500!

Thanks for all the replies and if anyone has any leads on a small loader like those, I'm all ears!
Ah, I thought you were from North Carolina. Actually you are in YANMAR HEAVEN out west. There are a few refurbish places out your way.
Look for a 3-cylinder with PowerShift. This will give you a live PTO in each of the PowerShift bands.

MCW has been selling reliable Yanmar rebuilt machines for over a decade now.


This machine would work fine for your needs then, it share MANY parts with the John Deere siblings!

If you don't need a loader, then the price can drop as much as $3K.

Here is another rebuilder, don't know their history, you would have to evaluate them.

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
