Yanmar YM1500 Value?


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I inherited an estate that has this Yanmar YM1500 w/ front loader on it. It's currently not running and I've no idea the reason it was parked up. What would be a fair asking price to get it gone?
I inherited an estate that has this Yanmar YM1500 w/ front loader on it. It's currently not running and I've no idea the reason it was parked up. What would be a fair asking price to get it gone?
View attachment 96903
It is somewhat difficult to even estimate due to the very close up of the machine. If you could stand back, take a few more images of the left side profile, back, right side profile, the seat area and the dash controls, we could give a proper assessment.

Otherwise, not running for the engine could be a dead battery, mice chewed on the wiring, etc.

One negative is, the loader hoses have way too much corrosion on the fittings.

Does the machine free roll when placed in neutral for the gear shift and neutral for the PowerShift?

In good condition all around and running, this machine would be $8,000.

In a non-working condition and difficult to move, it's $500 to $1,000 without knowing more details.

Additionally, this is a Zen-Noh. Yanmar made these for that Ag co-op in Japan. These come with additional options like draft control for the 3-point and power-steering. This would raise the value some more, but your image is lacking.
It is somewhat difficult to even estimate due to the very close up of the machine. If you could stand back, take a few more images of the left side profile, back, right side profile, the seat area and the dash controls, we could give a proper assessment.

Otherwise, not running for the engine could be a dead battery, mice chewed on the wiring, etc.

One negative is, the loader hoses have way too much corrosion on the fittings.

Does the machine free roll when placed in neutral for the gear shift and neutral for the PowerShift?

In good condition all around and running, this machine would be $8,000.

In a non-working condition and difficult to move, it's $500 to $1,000 without knowing more details.

Additionally, this is a Zen-Noh. Yanmar made these for that Ag co-op in Japan. These come with additional options like draft control for the 3-point and power-steering. This would raise the value some more, but your image is lacking.
Isn't the YM1500 a gear drive rather than Powershift? If so that really hurts the value for loader use.
Isn't the YM1500 a gear drive rather than Powershift? If so that really hurts the value for loader use.
It could, but not always. The YM1500 is geared low, so movement is slow in travel too.

The YM1500 would likely match the JD650 gear tractor with loader and be slow as well. And the JD650 still holds it's value respectively.

Now, if his machine was a YM1702D or YM1720D and loader combo, it would be prized to sell at a better price.
This is the largest of the SCUT machines and is very capable to rival the CUT class starting in the YM2210 and up.
A prior co-worker got a YM1720D. It impressed me over any of the other YM models below it.

These machines are prized, for PowerShift or popular engine for parts to find, or production runs.
YM1720 best SCUT for power and size, many options too, even the belly mower.
YM2310 best in the entire YM series for power and size, most ever produced, many options too.
YM3000R highly prized and often mis-marked by rebuilders

Going high in the model list has issues with parts availability, even for an identical Deere match like the YM4300 to JD1050. Both have parts supply issues.

Honorable mention is the YM2500 gear machine as a direct twin to the JD850. The JD850 was a high production runner too.

If you wan further details and history on each model, then see this thread,


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