Younger cousins dug out the old DB990

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
The old girl has been setting nin the heifer barn stable for near 2 years now. They jump started it and brought it down to my place.
gave it a bath to get all the bird poo off. They should have washed the mud off the tires but oh-well.
I gave it a face-lift abck 5 yeaars or so ago. The nose was all jammed in and grill missing. Lots of forming and shaping new sheet metal to make it look good again and a HD grill guard. This tractor was used to push loaded hay wagons up into the mow of the barn, and the old original grill guard did not hold up well. I updated the color scheme and decals also. I really liked the CASE 94 series color scheme and decaling.

Sharp looking DB Loren, wish I had one for PTO auger work, they start so well and run on nothing, Rod.
Rod, could make you a deal on one with some assembly required if you were closer. Have 3 that I run all the time and just picked up a 995 to mow with this summer.
Looks real good. David Brown tractors were fairly common here through the sixties, and when Case bought the DB company, the local dealer became a Case dealer. That put even more of these tough little tractors on local farms, as we we’re lousy with 25-30 dairy farms back then. And those tractors fit in perfectly on most farms. Most of the farms have disappeared, either under fields of corn or subdivisions of houses. Even the location of the dealership is now in a subdivision. And the tractors have mostly vanished from the fields, and are now just used to Bush hog or remove snow.

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