hello....minneapolis moline ZAS what sort of road speed do they do?? I've one at a local auction soon....any pointers what to look out for that can wear etc?
Go to page 2 of this forum and read the same question about ZTS road speed. Results will be about the
same. As far as wear parts I guess it would be the same as any other old tractor. Does it start,
unacceptable exhaust indicator, tin work, general over all condition? Tires can be a deal breaker. Good
As far as wear points, look the front axle over carefully. I bought a '53 ZAS that was owned by somebody that didn't know what grease was.

Wheels tipped inward at the top. tie rod pins almost worn through the steering arms, unreasonable amount of play in the steering wheel, etc.

If it runs, listen for unusual noises. (I know a MM is not as quiet as many other engines even when they are 'right', so use some

If it drives: (If they let you drive it) How does the clutch work? Does it grab? Does it release O.K.? And check the brakes.

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