1971 Ford 4000 3cyl gas has starting and stopping issue(fickle)


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Hi all.....
A few weeks ago my 1971 4000 3 cyl gas didn't start. I would turn the key and the two lights would come on, but nothing happened.....no clicking at the solenoid. I presumed that the neutral safety switch was the problem. I bought one but never installed it because the tractor decided to start. The next time it didn't start I replaced the solenoid and it started immediately. It then wouldn't shut off so I replaced the ignition switch. It started. Then it failed again and I replaced the starter. It started....but....won't always shut off so I have to choke it to stop it. The voltage regulator is next! Any suggestions are very welcome.....thanking you in advance....Take care, exedman
Do proper troubleshooting before throwing money at parts. The Service Manual has troubleshooting steps for a no-start situation.

First you suspected the neutral safety switch so you bought one but never installed it because the problem went away. Then, when similar symptoms arose, you replaced the solenoid, but you did not replace the neutral safety switch that you had already purchased, or did you? It seems like you are simply going on whatever whim your heart desires at the moment. That is not the proper way to troubleshoot a problem.
Hi all.....
A few weeks ago my 1971 4000 3 cyl gas didn't start. I would turn the key and the two lights would come on, but nothing happened.....no clicking at the solenoid. I presumed that the neutral safety switch was the problem. I bought one but never installed it because the tractor decided to start. The next time it didn't start I replaced the solenoid and it started immediately. It then wouldn't shut off so I replaced the ignition switch. It started. Then it failed again and I replaced the starter. It started....but....won't always shut off so I have to choke it to stop it. The voltage regulator is next! Any suggestions are very welcome.....thanking you in advance....Take care, exedman
Had same issue with our 4000 SU…. Turned out to be loose ground at frame end. Perhaps check/clean/tighten all four main battery cable ends?
Had same issue with our 4000 SU…. Turned out to be loose ground at frame end. Perhaps check/clean/tighten all four main battery cable ends?
Hi Steve...I suspect that a loose wire or bad ground somewhere may be causing the fickleness. Every time I added a new part, the tractor worked for a few cycles and then would fail!
Do proper troubleshooting before throwing money at parts. The Service Manual has troubleshooting steps for a no-start situation.

First you suspected the neutral safety switch so you bought one but never installed it because the problem went away. Then, when similar symptoms arose, you replaced the solenoid, but you did not replace the neutral safety switch that you had already purchased, or did you? It seems like you are simply going on whatever whim your heart desires at the moment. That is not the proper way to troubleshoot a problem.
Hi Sean....You are correct! I am not a good troubleshooter. However, my tractor guru came and diagnosed the problem and was confident that the starter was bad because he traced electricity to the starter....sooooo....I replaced the starter and it worked a couple of times and then the key wouldn't shut it off so I choked it to death! It's frustrating......
Many many times the solenoid is replaced with the wrong one... and this can lead to the tractor running after the key is turned off due to a feed back from the charging circuit/bypass on the solenoid. Then an ignition switch must be wired correctly or again, you will have problems... And its common to have to move the trans lever back and forth to find the correct spot for the safety switch to work... so you might now have three or more problems.. I would consider learning how to use a volt meter and start correctly testing to see what is happening. Even this is tricky, because the problems can be intermittent. It will take patience.... grasshopper.

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