Looking for advise on tractor purchase


New User
Hello all, I’m looking for a new tractor. I have a budget of 20k but would like to spend closer to 10k. I have 30 acres with about 10 acres of field that I am trying to turn into pasture. I will be using it primarily for brush hogging and hopefully making small bales of hay in the future, maintaining a quarter mile rough road that has two very steep hills, dragging/lifting large logs and anything else it can do to help build a house and barn.

Below are a couple examples of what I am thinking of, some are sold, some are pending. I have read a lot and it sound like everyone says get the biggest tractor you can afford. I can get a 4020 for 15K but I think that is overkill for what I need. I also don't know if a small Ford 2000 is big enough for the jobs I need done. Looking for advised on older/newer, 2wd/4wd, size and any tractors to stay away from that were lemons or any that were absolute workhorses and reliable. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!








When looking for my first and only tractor, my priorities are loader and 4 wd. Never a loader tractor without 4 wd. The best value in your list is likely the Kubota but the market saw that and it is likely sold. I would then look at the IH 585 but wonder if that price is a bit negotiable. I don't have brand preference as most brands have good models in that space. Not sure about service for a Mahindra in this area.
Hello all, I’m looking for a new tractor. I have a budget of 20k but would like to spend closer to 10k. I have 30 acres with about 10 acres of field that I am trying to turn into pasture. I will be using it primarily for brush hogging and hopefully making small bales of hay in the future, maintaining a quarter mile rough road that has two very steep hills, dragging/lifting large logs and anything else it can do to help build a house and barn.

Below are a couple examples of what I am thinking of, some are sold, some are pending. I have read a lot and it sound like everyone says get the biggest tractor you can afford. I can get a 4020 for 15K but I think that is overkill for what I need. I also don't know if a small Ford 2000 is big enough for the jobs I need done. Looking for advised on older/newer, 2wd/4wd, size and any tractors to stay away from that were lemons or any that were absolute workhorses and reliable. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

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A quick attach loader (detach the whole loader boom, leaving only the mounting brackets) makes a loader tractor more versatile and more comfortable to drive when the loader is not needed. Most newer loaders have this feature, but it can be found on some older loaders too.
Thanks for the information so far. I'm surprised to see so many responses suggesting 4x4 with a loader, the majority of older tractors out there are 2wd with loaders. What would be better for heavy box blade work and heavy loader work, 6k-9k pound 60-80 hp 2wd or 4k-6k pound 40-60 hp 4x4?
I bought a mf65 gas with no loader, no power steering, and no 4 wheel drive. Guess what- I'm looking for a 4 wheel drive. I added a front bucket & power steering, but with a blacktop driveway and chains it messes up your blacktop. I suggest a 4 wheel drive with loader & power steering. I also have a 800' drive that I plow for our neighbors, not a township road & so far we haven't got a lot of snow, but a 4 wheel drive may be needed in the future.
Thanks for the information so far. I'm surprised to see so many responses suggesting 4x4 with a loader, the majority of older tractors out there are 2wd with loaders. What would be better for heavy box blade work and heavy loader work, 6k-9k pound 60-80 hp 2wd or 4k-6k pound 40-60 hp 4x4?
For heavy loader work nothing will work better than an Industrial tractor or backhoe with a loader, or an actual wheel loader. Both are built to actually take the abuse of a loader.

With a budget of 20,000, buy two tractors.
front assist is very good for those steep hills. 2 wheel drive does work if you are not going to be in mud. I would be looking at 2090 case or even the smaller 1896. they are cheap on fuel and if you are not doing more than 20-30 acres it is lots of tractor. also the 96 series is nimble enough to get in places where a bigger tractor won't. I like the cabs but live in a cold climate.. in summer I like the open cab for loader work. easier on and off. 65 hp would be the smallest I would want. you can buy a 2 wheel drive a lot cheaper than a front assist. also a 2 wheel drive with loader that has not been abused will last a long time. most front assists get used as bulldozers because they can, and you will find they are harder to find in good shape. if they are they cost twice as much as 2 wheel drive.
I am sure some guys on here have Mahindras and love them. I would stay away from those, I have not heard much good about them. The Ford 2000 is pretty small. JD 3020 probably a safe bet.
If you get anything over 25 years old don't worry for a second about the dealer being nearby. They stock very little. one trip to order and a second to pick up is slower than ordering on line. Sure they will be polite but they don't really want your business.
Hello all, I’m looking for a new tractor. I have a budget of 20k but would like to spend closer to 10k. I have 30 acres with about 10 acres of field that I am trying to turn into pasture. I will be using it primarily for brush hogging and hopefully making small bales of hay in the future, maintaining a quarter mile rough road that has two very steep hills, dragging/lifting large logs and anything else it can do to help build a house and barn.

Below are a couple examples of what I am thinking of, some are sold, some are pending. I have read a lot and it sound like everyone says get the biggest tractor you can afford. I can get a 4020 for 15K but I think that is overkill for what I need. I also don't know if a small Ford 2000 is big enough for the jobs I need done. Looking for advised on older/newer, 2wd/4wd, size and any tractors to stay away from that were lemons or any that were absolute workhorses and reliable. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

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Find you a 4X4 Kubota with the loader and you will not be sorry.

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
