Well after 41 years and 10 months come September 30th I'm retiring. After losing my wife in 2021 if something would happen to me all my retirement and social security would just be gone. So I'm cashing in at 62 which I'll be on September 13th. It's kind scary since I've worked ever since I was 16 at a full time job. But with all of that time I can do the landscaping around my house I moved into a year ago. And to keep it tractor related I'll have no excuse not to fix everything on my 640 and 3000 that needs done. Not to mention getting the 230 MF put back together and get the Jubilee and other 3000 fixed. I'll probably be on here a lot more to. My dog Luke will be happy and I'm sure he'll be right beside me all the time! Wish me luck and prayers to adjust and be alright. Thanks.


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Well after 41 years and 10 months come September 30th I'm retiring. After losing my wife in 2021 if something would happen to me all my retirement and social security would just be gone. So I'm cashing in at 62 which I'll be on September 13th. It's kind scary since I've worked ever since I was 16 at a full time job. But with all of that time I can do the landscaping around my house I moved into a year ago. And to keep it tractor related I'll have no excuse not to fix everything on my 640 and 3000 that needs done. Not to mention getting the 230 MF put back together and get the Jubilee and other 3000 fixed. I'll probably be on here a lot more to. My dog Luke will be happy and I'm sure he'll be right beside me all the time! Wish me luck and prayers to adjust and be alright. Thanks.
Congratulations, it will seem strange for a while until you get a new routine going, at least it did for me, but you will get used to it. Keep things going on that end of the county.
Congratulations, it will seem strange for a while until you get a new routine going, at least it did for me, but you will get used to it. Keep things going on that end of the county.
Thanks. Hope you and the Misses are doing ok!
Well after 41 years and 10 months come September 30th I'm retiring. After losing my wife in 2021 if something would happen to me all my retirement and social security would just be gone. So I'm cashing in at 62 which I'll be on September 13th. It's kind scary since I've worked ever since I was 16 at a full time job. But with all of that time I can do the landscaping around my house I moved into a year ago. And to keep it tractor related I'll have no excuse not to fix everything on my 640 and 3000 that needs done. Not to mention getting the 230 MF put back together and get the Jubilee and other 3000 fixed. I'll probably be on here a lot more to. My dog Luke will be happy and I'm sure he'll be right beside me all the time! Wish me luck and prayers to adjust and be alright. Thanks.
You and Luke will both be happy! Good luck and enjoy....
Well after 41 years and 10 months come September 30th I'm retiring. After losing my wife in 2021 if something would happen to me all my retirement and social security would just be gone. So I'm cashing in at 62 which I'll be on September 13th. It's kind scary since I've worked ever since I was 16 at a full time job. But with all of that time I can do the landscaping around my house I moved into a year ago. And to keep it tractor related I'll have no excuse not to fix everything on my 640 and 3000 that needs done. Not to mention getting the 230 MF put back together and get the Jubilee and other 3000 fixed. I'll probably be on here a lot more to. My dog Luke will be happy and I'm sure he'll be right beside me all the time! Wish me luck and prayers to adjust and be alright. Thanks.
I truly believe you will find this to be a great decision. I am so sorry that your wife won't be there to enjoy it with you. Luke will absolutely love it.

I retired at 58 having also having worked since I could get any job. The best part to me was no longer being shackled to a clock. If it got to be 23:00 and I was still working on something, I didn't have to stop so I could get some rest for work tomorrow. That feeling of liberation is worth it.
Well after 41 years and 10 months come September 30th I'm retiring. After losing my wife in 2021 if something would happen to me all my retirement and social security would just be gone. So I'm cashing in at 62 which I'll be on September 13th. It's kind scary since I've worked ever since I was 16 at a full time job. But with all of that time I can do the landscaping around my house I moved into a year ago. And to keep it tractor related I'll have no excuse not to fix everything on my 640 and 3000 that needs done. Not to mention getting the 230 MF put back together and get the Jubilee and other 3000 fixed. I'll probably be on here a lot more to. My dog Luke will be happy and I'm sure he'll be right beside me all the time! Wish me luck and prayers to adjust and be alright. Thanks.
I think you will like retirement... as long as you keep busy with something, you will adjust just fine.
I also retired at 58, 13 years ago, from a job I truly enjoyed. My adjustment was as long as it took to walk out the door. I started planning and saving for it at 23, so for my wife (retired 9 months later at 56) and me, the financial side has not been an issue. For me, having plenty of hobbies (hunting, fishing, golf, reading books, old cars and tractors) has been the key. Our last dog and cat passed shortly after we retired and that has made travel worry free. A fair number of people disagree, but I'm a strong proponent of retiring as early as you can.
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I have been retired for 5 years and still haven't finished all the things I needed to do and couldn't get to while I was working. I didn't work a day longer than what I thought I needed to do for enough money in retirement.
Enjoy. I retired at 55, health reasons, and being a supervisor was not fun anymore. Wife was worried, what would I do, but I fell right into retirement. I was tired. In my mind, I am busier than I have ever been. Almost 68 now....James
Unfortunately I didn’t get to retire until I was 69. Had to make sure I had enough funds. But that being said I find retirement the best job I ever had. Enjoy it!😊
Well after 41 years and 10 months come September 30th I'm retiring. After losing my wife in 2021 if something would happen to me all my retirement and social security would just be gone. So I'm cashing in at 62 which I'll be on September 13th. It's kind scary since I've worked ever since I was 16 at a full time job. But with all of that time I can do the landscaping around my house I moved into a year ago. And to keep it tractor related I'll have no excuse not to fix everything on my 640 and 3000 that needs done. Not to mention getting the 230 MF put back together and get the Jubilee and other 3000 fixed. I'll probably be on here a lot more to. My dog Luke will be happy and I'm sure he'll be right beside me all the time! Wish me luck and prayers to adjust and be alright. Thanks.
Be sure to find yourself a coffee group or some type of social group. Sounds like you have plenty to do, but you still need to socialize. I didn't realize how important that was until I retired and missed all the coffee break B.S. There's a local "Restore" store near by. I know several guys that go there and repair donated mowers, pumps and such. Keeps them busy and they have fun, too.
I retired at 58. Not intentionally i was outsourced. The best feeling in my life was going out that gate and knowing I never had to answer to any ahold again. I sort of lie a little. I did go work for a landscape company for 3 years after but on my terms. When the owner finally revealed was also an ahold. I officially retired for good. I didn't quite end up exactly where I wanted to be financially but we are doing okay. Insurance until Medicare is a killer.
I can’t say that I’m actually retired since I still have a few beef cows and put up my own hay
Our poultry operation officially ended 3 days ago due to plant closure but I haven’t punched a clock in nearly 10 years
Since I don’t have to prep the poultry barns for the next flock we’re going to go a on a trip, we’ll worry about the next move when we get back
Enjoy retirement
Well after 41 years and 10 months come September 30th I'm retiring. After losing my wife in 2021 if something would happen to me all my retirement and social security would just be gone. So I'm cashing in at 62 which I'll be on September 13th. It's kind scary since I've worked ever since I was 16 at a full time job. But with all of that time I can do the landscaping around my house I moved into a year ago. And to keep it tractor related I'll have no excuse not to fix everything on my 640 and 3000 that needs done. Not to mention getting the 230 MF put back together and get the Jubilee and other 3000 fixed. I'll probably be on here a lot more to. My dog Luke will be happy and I'm sure he'll be right beside me all the time! Wish me luck and prayers to adjust and be alright. Thanks.
Yep. As soon as you think you have enough money to get you to the end you should retire because your never going to feel better then you do today.
I seriously cut back a few years before I retired.
Seems like one day, you look in the mirror and say "who is that old man looking back at me?" I spent too much time making other people rich off my hard work. Now, it is time for ME while I am still healthy enough to enjoy it.

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