Update on daughters motorcycle wreck


Keep those prayers a coming cause they are working....from not knowing if she was gonna make it to eating 1st taste of food today..applesauce....30 days today..god an prayers is working miracles...still not totally emerged but is walking to bathroom with help.hanging on to belt..an arms.....still long way to go...but god is good...thanks again for all your prayers for daniele lynn....love yall.....dewy
Well, Dewy our daughter was in the hospital a couple of
years ago with something that baffled the Drs. She was
in for the whole summer, & they couldn't get a handle on
what was causing the trouble. We went up one weekend, &
she was white as a sheet & I thought we'd not see her the
next weekend. Somehow they finally got a handle on her
trouble & pulled her through.
So, the moral of the story is---keep the prayers coming &
thank the Lord for good doctors.
I had a bone infection that "went septic" Didn't know who I was or where I was at for several days. Several surgeries to get at the infection, drugs galore. Pretty embarassing to ask those little gals to wipe yer butt, etc. But I perservered. So I kinda, maybe know a little of what she is going through. Not one damned minute is fun. It will be a long haul, but sounds like it is working.

Keep the faith.


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