MF 65 water pump pulley slipping on shaft


New User
One of the things I did to this tractor was replace the water pump. I had to have to pulley pressed on the new water pump. I was letting it run for a while today for the first time, and the fan blades began clicking against the housing. It looks like the pulley has moved front because the fan belt is out of alignment. I thought I read a post about this, but I can't find it with this new forum set up. Does anyone know of a quick fix for this? Even if I get another water pump, how will I make sure I don't have the same problem again?
One of the things I did to this tractor was replace the water pump. I had to have to pulley pressed on the new water pump. I was letting it run for a while today for the first time, and the fan blades began clicking against the housing. It looks like the pulley has moved front because the fan belt is out of alignment. I thought I read a post about this, but I can't find it with this new forum set up. Does anyone know of a quick fix for this? Even if I get another water pump, how will I make sure I don't have the same problem again?
You might try having it installed with some Loctite 660 (Quick Metal) or one of the other retaining compounds like Loctite 609.

Measuring your pulley bore and the new shaft(s) is about the only way to tell what the interference fit will be. You might want to have the current shaft and you pulley bore measured to see what the fit is right now, to see if it falls within the range a given retaining compound is intended for.

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