Tractor Sale Gone Sour. What Would You Do?

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Awesome! As they say, Good people think people are good, bad people think people are bad. Good for you to not go in guns a blazing. It still is a bad situation but sometimes a little good Karma goes a long way.
It would be to your advantage to read the whole thread I think.
The fact that my post that he references is three pages back could be a pretty good indication that he has read the whole thread, LOL. Maybe not absolute proof, but a very strong indication, LOL.
The fact that my post that he references is three pages back could be a pretty good indication that he has read the whole thread, LOL. Maybe not absolute proof, but a very strong indication, LOL.

The fact that he doesn't acknowledge what I said was going to happen next in post #93 is a pretty good indication that he hasn't, LOL.
A surprising development has occurred.

As I was eating lunch the phone rang. It was the guy's son calling wanting to know what the deal is. He said his father called him complaining that I wouldn't give his money back.

I explained it all to him and said that I had intended to call his father to tell him that I would come to his place and refund his money and wipe the slate clean, so to speak.

The son said, okay, let me call you back in a few minutes, which he did.

He then asked what the balance owed was and if the tractor was accessible to be loaded on a trailer. I replied that it could be very easily.

He said if I would be around tomorrow he would come pay the balance owing and take the tractor home with him, he lives an hour or so away.

I told him there was no need to do that, I'll just give him his money and call it done.

No, he said, the deal was made and through no fault of yours it fell apart and I want to make good on it, said he was kind of looking for a tractor anyway.

So, I said okay, come get it then. Supposed to be here tomorrow morning.

I went out and put the charger on the battery and cleared stuff out of the way to get it out of the shed. Started right up after topping the battery up for an hour or so. It's ready to go.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.
And there were those of us who said a prayer that it would all work out for both of you that might have helped a little.
You never know...
Good on you brown David, I am also a trusting person. I have been burned a couple of times but most people do as they say they will. The rest can go pound sand and things will come back to haunt them at some point.
Wow- after about 6 pages of "advice" a grow man MAY have a handle on the sale of a tractor with trivial value to another grown man! Goody! At one point- an amusing discussion on basic ethics. Now just a filter to predict who would maybe have any merit in a knife fight. Sadly, efficient place to recruit a hairdresser/ male secretary = probably. Asset in a knife fight midnight near the docks in Rio = think not.
Looks like you're now inhaling that smoke Eric. I'll admit one thing, you're a funny guy ....


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Wow- after about 6 pages of "advice" a grow man MAY have a handle on the sale of a tractor with trivial value to another grown man! Goody! At one point- an amusing discussion on basic ethics. Now just a filter to predict who would maybe have any merit in a knife fight. Sadly, efficient place to recruit a hairdresser/ male secretary = probably. Asset in a knife fight midnight near the docks in Rio = think not.

It makes me happy that I was able to provide an outlet for an obviously bitter individual to exercise their cynicism on.

I feel so much better now knowing you have found a release for your pent up acrimonious vitriol.

Tractor is gone, cash money in hand.

Paperwork modified as to the finalized transaction, dated and signed by the three parties involved with each of us getting a copy.

A pleasant couple of hours, they brought KFC for lunch. We ate then did the money deal and paperwork. Loaded up the tractor and down the road they went.

A good day.

Thanks to all that offered advice, humour, and/or critisism.

Tractor is gone, cash money in hand.

Paperwork modified as to the finalized transaction, dated and signed by the three parties involved with each of us getting a copy.

A pleasant couple of hours, they brought KFC for lunch. We ate then did the money deal and paperwork. Loaded up the tractor and down the road they went.

A good day.

Thanks to all that offered advice, humour, and/or critisism.
Good for you.
I bought a non-running Ferguson cheap a few years ago. Did some fixing and tinkering and turned it into a good running and working little tractor that isn't all that pretty but I've seen worse.

Now, last spring a guy I've known and dealt with for years asked if I'd sell it. I had been thinking of selling it so I thought about it for a while then told him I would and I put a price on it.

He said he'd take it if he could leave it here and make payments on it then take it when it was paid for.

Well, I didn't really want to do that but I've known him for years so I reluctantly said okay.

Anyway, he paid 200 bucks down on the spot and then started paying 100 bucks a month on it, he lives on small pensions.

Long story short, he's paid a bit over half on it but has now decided he doesn't want it and wants his money back.

I'm not happy.

What would you do?
Depends on if the want to continue a friendship with the guy. The tractor is probably worth more now than when you sold it to him. Work a deal to keep couple hundred for your trouble and move on .Life is to short to get stressed over this deal.
Thanks for your description of the dilemma and providing the rest of the story. Meanwhile, many lessons could be drawn from the discussion. I am glad you came out whole and the son stepped up
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