Cockshutt 30 steering box

Does anyone know an easy way to get the steering box off of a Cockshutt 30? I want to rotate the pins that go in the worm gear and I see no other way to do it. Can’t get a socket on the bolts or a wrench the way they are positioned down in the pedestal. Any help thanks.
Does anyone know an easy way to get the steering box off of a Cockshutt 30? I want to rotate the pins that go in the worm gear and I see no other way to do it. Can’t get a socket on the bolts or a wrench the way they are positioned down in the pedestal. Any help thanks.
I have to do the same job. Lots of crud under the housing and hard to get at the bolts. Take the cover off, there's a nut on top that has to come off too.

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