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Connecting Rod Data 2024-05-04
Connecting Rod Data
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BMG1, I am looking for the build and shipping dates of 3 G1000 fwa molines that were shipped to Australia some time in 1968. The serial numbers are - 32701539, 32701554 and 32701555. The engine numbers for the last two are 29703617 and 29703618. Would appreciate your assistance. It's hard to fit this in 420 letters.
Many thanks and Regards
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Paul, They were all built 3/21/68. #39 was on order 80-15 and shipped 3/26/68. #54&55 were on order 80-23 and were shipped 3/27/68. Looks like the "80" order codes were export units. Not sure if they all went to Australia or other parts too. Are these yours? Do you still have 32701538?
Hi Cariboo. I’m trying to get an explanation on the shift pattern you show on you Belarus post. Mine is similar and although I use it only to power a sawmill I would like to understand that shift display
any explanation would be help
im new to this forum and hope this is the correct way to contact you.

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