
Well-known Member
If you were around in the 1970s you might have seen the Dodge pickups with the "Dude" appearance option. The fancy stripes and little sombrero sticker on the side made them stand out a bit from the ordinary Dodges. This was my dad's 1970. We were cleaning up some trees in town by the Church. This was back in the days when people actually bought trucks to work with.
Dodge Dude


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If you were around in the 1970s you might have seen the Dodge pickups with the "Dude" appearance option. The fancy stripes and little sombrero sticker on the side made them stand out a bit from the ordinary Dodges. This was my dad's 1970. We were cleaning up some trees in town by the Church. This was back in the days when people actually bought trucks to work with.
Dodge Dude
Hey ol Rusty - My link to your puzzle says "expired"?" Larry

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