external_link Tractor


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A lot of conversations have circled around and absolutely NO ONE knows what the real story is except a few. I been out of commission for months and unable to man the store.

Due to commitments we have decided to close our business. For sale is the entire business as a whole or by different parts of it. Listed below is what is available;

external_link web site with appr 11,00 parts listed.

New Parts (OEM & Aftermarket) supplied by the leading distributors in the nation. These are mainly Ford parts and 95% are between 1939 - 1964 model parts.

Ford Quality Approved Parts by Ford Motor Company (Appr 20 different decal sets, Fenders and Hoods w/ Ford script, 3 different Ford Hood Emblems)

Customer List (appr 40,000 names)

Molds to apply Ford script to Ford fenders and tractor hoods (1939 to 1952). We are the ONLY one in USA which is Ford Approved to do the Hoods.

Parts racks with shelves. Racks 18" wide and each section is 41" long. There is 98' of racking and 225 shelves. Shelving is adjustable.

Email me @ tom@external_link.com

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
