Help removing R radiator?

I recently inherited Dad's 47 "R" model and it has a radiator leak. Removing the radiator has become much more difficult that I expected. I assumed the front end / shroud had to be removed, but I have removed every bolt / screw I can find and it still doesn't budge. I can see a bolt under the radiator shroud that would be impossible to put back in so I must be doing it the wrong way.

Q: Does the shroud come off to access (remove) the radiator? Do I take the fan / belts off f the engine and move the radiator towards the back and out of the shroud?

Any hints / suggestions / pictures would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty mechanically inclined and just want to avoid creating extra work by doing it the wrong way first.
Whole shroud and radiator come off in one piece. Take all bolts off bottom of shroud and will slide off front. Take off the hoses.
Whole shroud and radiator come off in one piece. Take all bolts off bottom of shroud and will slide off front. Take off the hoses.
I took 3 flat head screw out of each side of the housing with nuts on the back. Should those have stayed in? I don't think I even tried sliding it straight forward, I was focused on lifting. Thank you!
I took 3 flat head screw out of each side of the housing with nuts on the back. Should those have stayed in? I don't think I even tried sliding it straight forward, I was focused on lifting. Thank you!
Eventually the side 6 flatheads screws have to come out to separate rad from rear shroud. The bottom 4 or 5 3/8 bolts that go into pedestal have to be removed to clear fan. you have to remove grill to access.

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