massey 285 fuel issues


New User
Have a 285 that need some advice on, I replaced lift pump and fuel filters and now can't get it to stay running. Purged air from system and it started right up but only ran for 10 seconds then stalled like it ran out of fuel. I have fuel to the pump, from pump to filters, filters to high pressure pump but once it starts it only runs a few seconds. Any advice? Hope this makes sense
If you used NAPA/WIX filters, did you make the common mistake of placing an O ring in the filter TOP outer groove?? That's the fuel INLET, and must be open. Lot's of service calls made to correct that mistake.
(quoted from post at 18:27:21 07/18/18) If you used NAPA/WIX filters, did you make the common mistake of placing an O ring in the filter TOP outer groove?? That's the fuel INLET, and must be open. Lot's of service calls made to correct that mistake.

I know I put that gasket in but it ran fine for about 30 mins then stopped
If they are new, re-use them. Just make sure they are installed and sealed correctly. Also, check the constant bleed orifice on the filter base top, line is also with the small leak-off line on the injectors top. Make sure the small hole is open, when it plugs air can't get out of the filter as it should, and goes to the injection pump causing shut down. I've seen that happen several times over the years too. Some are straight fitting, and some are the banjo bolt type, with the orifice hole in the bolt side.
Had a 265 with similar issues a few years ago. Replaced lift
pump, still gave the same problem, bled, rebled, kept doing
that- we would get a minute of running then quit.
Replaced lines, thinking they were plugged or giving issues,
beat our heads against the wall.
Removed lift pump and noticed the replacement was missing
a spring the original had. Bought a different lift pump, looked
at it carefully, installed- problem solved.
(quoted from post at 19:13:24 07/18/18) I will try to do that after work tomorrow and let u know. Thanks again

Pulled filters and you were right, took out gaskets, pumped filters full and started like new. Thanks again for your help!!. Now to fix a hydraulic leak
Hi all! I'm going to try reviving an old thread here because I'm having a similar issue, but my girl will run for 45-90 min before fluttering dying out. A sniff of starting fluid and she'll run for about 30min before she dies. Seems like fuel starving, but why? I changed filters (and yes, made sure I didn't install gaskets on top) and bled the system. Read somewhere that it could be a blocked screen in the tank, but not sure exactly how to check/fix that as I currently have a full tank and the flashlight just creates a nice reflection. Do I drain and dispose of the whole tank? This is all new to me so I would greatly appreciate in depth explanations and definitions of terms! TY in advance!
MZ, welcome to the forums! You would be MILES ahead by starting a NEW post about your issue. Include model number, engine, how it ran before, etc. A post from 2018 doesn't get much "traction" with most readers of this forum. Looking forward to seeing your post!

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