MF 540 combine

KL in Wi

A friend bought a 540 a couple years ago and now he's retiring so he doesn't need it. He;d like to sell it or part it out. I helped him set it up for beans back then. Seemed to be in very nice condition. He called and asked me what it's worth so, I'm asking. He didn't have much time to talk so I'll tell what I know. It came with a rigid head and a 4 row wide. He said he bought a bean head for it. Tires are nice, looks nice, ran smooth and quiet, did a real nice job. Any idea what it's worth whole? He's willing to part it out. Has the 318 Perkins engine. Said through the beans and corn it used about a quart of oil. 26" tires, he didn't know how wide. Everything is there and in nice condition. Any idea on prices? It's 14 miles West of Appleton Wi. Thanks
I am in louisville ky area ,,. I wish You were closer ..old combines are not very valueable .. I have a MUD Hogg rear wheel assist on my MF 750 That is worth more than the combine because it is interchangeable to even tractors needing front wheel assist .the 354 Perkins motor is same story .
A dependable and effective tool, the MF 540 combine is ideal for medium-sized farms. Its outstanding performance, robustness, and user-friendliness help to increase production by managing harvesting activities more effectively.Fm Whatsapp

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