Question for the Oliver experts and RRlund 70 and Hart Parr


Well-known Member
On the hart parr 70 can a distributor be installed to replace the magneto? I am referring to a flange mount type (commonly used on allis chalmers and case dc) albeit they are 4 cylinder type. Now the hart parr has a 5 gear engine later oliver 70 switched to 3 gear. What are your thoughts? thanks
On the hart parr 70 can a distributor be installed to replace the magneto? I am referring to a flange mount type (commonly used on allis chalmers and case dc) albeit they are 4 cylinder type. Now the hart parr has a 5 gear engine later oliver 70 switched to 3 gear. What are your thoughts? thanks
I had a 39 with a distributor, yes. I want to say it was on the right side and the wires passed over to the left maybe?
Yes, it can. The coil mounts right to the distributor as well. I believe I may have a couple used ones and a couple nos ones.

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