Trying To Find Disc Plow Parts For a Friend


New User
My friend (who LOVES old equipment) is trying to find a DISC for an old John Deere Disc Plow he recently got. This forum has ALWAYS been very friendly & helpful to me in the past, so I immediately thought of you guys first. Here's what he told me (and ALL I know): One of the disks is broken(cracked). The disc is 26 inches in diameter & slightly "cupped". I think five bolts hold it on its spindle. .. A sheet he gave me lists a "Part No." and a description ->> SD 639A, and Disk 26" << with Bolts. He needs another disk for this plow - one that is in fairly good shape. ... It just happens that I am scheduled to go to hospital next Wednesday for a very difficult procedure that MAY leave me in a wheelchair, so you can imagine I probably won't be able to help him much with this search. And I know it's mighty "bold" of me to do this, but I would ask you to contact him directly if there is ANY WAY that you can help him find this part. I've spoken with him & he tells me it's OK if I give out his telephone number, so here it is: (615) 792 - 5557 ... His name is "Pete", and I would ask you to leave a message if he's not there. I HOPE this doesn't seem like I'm overstepping my bounds to do this - AND I hope I'm not breaking ANY Forum Rules - but I would just say (again) that all I'm doing is trying to help a neighbor. Thanks Everyone - for the help that I KNOW you will give ... FredT
JJamna - just so you'll know ... the link you gave me was EXACTLY what was needed. I explored it, found what my friend needed, then called him & gave him your info immediately. I believe that after he orders the parts he needs he WILL be back in business. THANKS SO MUCH !! ... FredT

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