wheat is seeded.


Well-known Member
got the wheat in on monday. perfect timing as the leaves were just coming out on the poplar trees. nights are still pretty cool though in the thirty's. working on the canola field now not in a hurry to get that in the ground yet.


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got the wheat in on monday. perfect timing as the leaves were just coming out on the poplar trees. nights are still pretty cool though in the thirty's. working on the canola field now not in a hurry to get that in the ground yet.
Love that 560. Kinda want me a 460 in the future. They're good looking machines.
got the wheat in on monday. perfect timing as the leaves were just coming out on the poplar trees. nights are still pretty cool though in the thirty's. working on the canola field now not in a hurry to get that in the ground yet.
Nice. Glad you got that done. Sitting here looking at rain and wondering when we get in to cut hay. I'm expecting the best ever first cut.

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