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  • 6/6 with everything disconnect from the cross over arm, first of all I am able to move the rod freely, and I would say I am able to rotate that cross over arm maybe about 60 degrees from left to right, what I am saying is this too much slop?
    I am stuck right now with feeling I am writing to much but wondering if I have gotten my message across!
    I would appreciate any help you can give me
    thanks BUSHNELLMAN
    5/6 I seen in the repair manual that the with the throttle lever pushed full open that the governor spring should extend to 3 1/16th I have not verified that but I understand what they are asking and intend to look at that when I get time to open it up.
    4/6 Last year I took the governor off and found that I had a lot of rust on the shaft that the thrust bushing rides on ,so I cleaned that up and made sure everything was free, also the spring and weights looked okay
    3/6 With the engine off, and the carb linkage off I move the throttle lever forward and i can see the throttle arm ( on the left side of the engine where I have taken off the carb linkage) move approximately a full half of an inch so it seems without the resistance of the carb linkage the system is working the way i think it should, but when I start it up with everything attached -no change in rpms
    2/6I can feel the spring tension on the throttle lever as I try to increase speed, so I know the spring isn't broken
    as I manually rev the tractor with the linkage disconnected I believe I see the throttle arm move to back to slow the engine down so I believe my weights are still intact
    2.5/6 I took off throttle linkage and I can pull the lever on the governor(on the right side) back and no change
    I have checked the carb linkage adjustment and it seems fine
    1/6 saw your name on some searches i did for the problem I am having.
    39' AC WC I have no speed control, I mean I start the tractor up -runs great, I push the throttle to increase rpms and nothing stays at idle, I cannot get past idle unless I go over and manually force the throttle lever to open carb.
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