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  • hello tractor owners and fabricators im new to this site and glad to be apart. as im a 49 year welder im 64 and a 25 year machinist i am willing to learn and help as much as i know possible to help out. phone number 807-356-4971. i just bought a 1949 cockshutt 30 tractor that im working on. there is lots to fix and upgrage.
    Welcome Jamie. If you intended to have a k in your username, you can change that by clicking on your username, then Account Details, then Change. Also wanted to mention that you might edit out your phone number in your previous profile post. The search engines pick up everything on the site and spammers look for that to add it to their robocall lists.

    Thanks, enjoy the site and your "new" Cockshutt.
    jamie bucley
    thanks for the welcome and the advise on the phone number being an honest person i never thought about scammers doing somthing with my phone number. thanks for the heads up cpratt.
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