Storm Covers

Product Review

Tractor Cover-Ups

Picture of Storm Cover

We recently had a chance to try out the new Storm Cover for the Ford 9N, 2N and 8N tractor that is now being re-introduced to a new generation of Ford N-Series tractor owners. Originally produced more than 40 years ago, it is now enjoying a reproduction run that has been licensed by the Ford Motor Company.

An original storm cover was used for the pattern, and this reproduction cover is indeed exactly as the original (of which we had previously only seen pictures of in miscellaneous old sales brochures). The same brown water-proof canvas was utilized (except it does not have the original logo on it). It is tailored to fit the Ford 9N, 2N and 8N snugly and fits all models with or without headlights, optional air cleaner or front bumper guard.

The brown water-proof canvas is a very thick, heavy duty material and obviously designed to last. The waterproofing element used has a strong tent-like smell to it when pulled out of the box. We didn't find the smell objectionable but for those who do - the smell does tone down a bit after being out of the box for a few days. The canvas is stiff at first but easily unfolds to fit over the tractor. Due to the roughness of the canvas, you would not want to put it on a freshly painted tractor.

Heavy-duty fasteners and tie-downs are used to secure the cover to the tractor. It does not cover the fenders or 3-Point, but is designed to protect the engine, gauges and seat area. Strong marine thread was used to sew the canvas and it appears that it will indeed last for many years of service, as advertised.

The manufacturer does not recommend trailering the tractor with the cover intact. The cover could stand up to the wind factor - the primarily reason for not using it while trailering is the potential of the wind flapping the grommets and fasteners against the paint and scuffing it up.

This tractor cover-up is not just for storms! It protects your tractor from dust, sun, rain, snow, sleet, hail, you name it. Although it is a major purchase, if you consider the value of these old N-Series tractors being in the thousands of dollars, then the cost doesn't seem as much in comparison as a cash outlay to protect your tractor.

For information on purchasing this cover, see the Ford 9N,2N,8N Parts catalog.

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