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  1. N

    case dc manuals

    May be delicate creatures to get set right, but the one I have hasn't been touched in 40 years that I know, and my Grandad had a loader on it for the first 15 years. I kinda think he put a clutch in it back in the late 60s.
  2. N

    name the machines

    They are all silage choppers aren't they? When I was a kid we had an old, back then, single row chopper, and another one with a "hay" head on them.
  3. N

    Fertilizer distributor

    What exactly are you looking for? If you are talking liquid, which I assume you are, try Shaben's.
  4. N

    '51 DC Eagle Hitch??

    I have a '54 DC with live PTO Eagle hitch foot clutch. This is the 3rd one of these I have had, or should say Dad and I have had. My favorite one was a DC3 that my Granddad made out of 2 tractors. If I knew then what I do today, I would have both tractors. He took a worn out 53 propane, and a 52...
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    Need more H.P.

    I have seen 3208s in Ag Chem fertilizer floaters, turning out close to 400 horse. You just need money and someone with the guts to keep cranking them up. They WILL self destruct given to many ponies.
  6. N

    Case DC clutch problem - resolved!

    Are those 15.5s on the back? That sure is a good looking DC.
  7. N

    tank heater

    Ok, on my 560 diesel, someone has brazed a tee in by the thermostat, and its now plugged off. What I want to do is put a circulating tank heat on this tractor. I have a good one I took off of another tractor, and installed a block heater on it. My question is... which is the top of the heater...
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    Santa and his Case!

    What are the front wheels? I have been around DCs most of my life and never seen anything like them.
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    PTO Hydraulic Pumps

    I am running a 23 gpm pump on my Farmhand loader. I think it has a 5 gallon reservoir. As far as I know that is all the bigger Farmhand ever sent out new, and they almost always had the big pumps. The DUAL loader that my dad had, had the reservoir in the left upright, and I think it held about 7...
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    Letters Series and Loaders

    Get a big PTO pump and hang the loader on the M. In my opinion you can never have a big enough loader tractor. I don't think your tractor hydraulics would be fast enough, for me anyway.
  11. N

    setting up a woods brush hog to an Eagle hitch tractor

    I totally agree with the length of chain. I have been high centered with my DC because the wheel on my brush hog picked the back of the tractor up. I now run a chain and it works great. As to the pin width, on my post hole digger I had to turn a pin around, everything else I think is category 1...
  12. N

    Case DC clutch problem

    My '54 DC does the same thing after it sits for long periods of time. Usually if I can stat it in 1st gear, I can get it to release after time. Have been known to go all the way around the shop with the clutch depressed, stomping on the brakes, before they released though.
  13. N

    a different game

    I'm thinking the 960 cutting wheat grass.
  14. N

    Do Cracked Head Repair Liquids Work?

    Hey Ron, I think there is one sitting in Valentine. Heartland repair, behind Wards and JMS. It might be gone, but I know Bob had one there.
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    Hauling Fees?

    I won't haul anything for anybody for less the $3.00/mile, one way. Here were have $4.15 fuel, and tires are around $200 each. I just can't do it for less.
  16. N

    Need help with 7030

    Miller Repairer in Maxwell NE has a bunch of cabs sitting.
  17. N

    Adjustable seat modification?

    You know, times have sure changed, or maybe we just have a bunch of city folks here that never were on a tractor at the age of 7. I WAS!! By the time I was 7 I could operate just about every piece of equipment Dad had. When I was 8 I did all of his haying by my self. If any of you want to call...
  18. N

    little change in the weather

    Holler when you head this way. I'll try to meet up with you. I did get the shaft out, and have it at a machine shop now, but he says it won't hold, after he welds it. Just be nice to have a spare around for when I do something stupid again.
  19. N

    little change in the weather

    My all time favorite Case is still my '54 DC. Live power, foot clutch, starts as long as it will turn over, no matter how cold. Steering just isn't so great right now.
  20. N

    430 rear tires

    You would have to be a better driver then me. I think the 14 inch tire isn't going to allow any wiggle room.

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
