1100 lost hydraulics


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I have an MF 1100 and the hydraulic system is dead.!
I was blowing snow a few years ago and the tractor shook then stopped dead in its tracks, it killed the engine. I started the tractor back up but had no hydraulics, nothing, no brakes / seat / steering three point / pto. I did notice before loosing the hydraulics, when working ground, the engine RPM would drag then come back routinely.
anyone’s input would be greatly appreciated.
I would like to think it's not the charge pump under the platform. My thought would be the radial pump on the crank at the front of the engine. One thing that you can do is clean out the sump screen in the bottom of the transmission. Check for large metal shavings and pieces. There is also a 5 micron filter behind the grill. I would also rule that out if it killed the engine. Though it's been a long time since I had an 1100 series tractor, seems the steering is a separate circuit from the brakes and lift when the under platform pump fails. You have steering, you just can't stop.

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