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Customer has a 1566 that he was mowing with this summer & all of a sudden it started making a lot of noise. When he stopped he noticed it wouldn't go in park. I imagine the two are related, but don't know. I've never worked on these before. Where would I start concerning it not wanting to go in park
Thanks for any help
Welcome to YT forums and ASAP parts. The difficult issue is what level of skill and diagnostic capability you and he have. A powertrain repair manual is a good start. A lot of noise doesn't help without more information. What gear was he operating in? was the transmission low on Hytran? Does it shift/move in all gears? Was the park position moved while operating? These elements might help someone guess where to start. Jim
I agree. "A lot of noise... won't go into park" doesn't help with a possible diagnosis.

Where you start is, you go over there and you listen to the noise. You try to identify where it is coming from. Ask questions. Have the owner show what they are doing to put the tractor in park, and make sure it is the correct procedure (i.e., complete stop, range selector in neutral, drop park lever). Try it yourself. You're not going to fix it on the first trip with so little information.

A common misconception is the park is a band brake like on newer tractors. The park is not a "brake." It is a LOCK, a hard hook that latches into a gear inside the transmission. If you try to use it as a brake, it's going to make a lot of noise, and probably tear teeth off a gear in the transmission. You do not apply it while the tractor is rolling. You do not force the lever down. If the lever doesn't drop you let off the brake slightly until the tractor starts to move, and it will drop in. Forcing it only bends the linkages.

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