1650 ignition

Pertronics. They kept closing up on my 1550 too. I switched to electronic in that one and haven't had any issues since. It's probably been a dozen years or more.
I have installed Pertronix on three different units. Oliver 1750, Bobcat 610 and an old IH V8 irrigation motor. I have had two of the units abruptly fail, being the Oliver and Bobcat units. Installed a replacement and they have been going strong. It's frustrating when they do go and since the Bobcat had a Wisonsin motor, the unit had to be ordered. However I don't know how I could work without them.
(quoted from post at 16:06:12 12/18/23) My point gap keep changing. I'm thinking about converting to electronic ignition. Any suggestions?

Just a couple of suggestions, rather than spend money.

1) Buy better quality points? (it s usually the heel that wears down).

2) Lubricate the distributor cam - there should be a lubrication pad bearing on the distributor cam?
On page 5 there was a long thread on the distributor for a 1650. Some people bolt the plates together to eliminate the vacuum advance on the Holley original equipment distributor. They get wear on them and won't hold adjustment.
I've had good luck with the pertronix conversion in my Mallory distributor. Just be sure to give the module in the distributor a full 12 volts from a switched power source. I ran a wire from my key switch.
On the old Holley distributor I am currently experimenting with a conversion to the Ford duraspark II system. Too early to call it a success but so far so good.

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