I recently restored a 1939 John Deere model H. Shortly after I got it running I developed a very very very small water leak around the head gasket around the lower side. Before putting the new head gasket on sprayed it with some Permatex Copper Sealant. Not sure why this head gasket leaked so I re-checked my torque on the head nuts, they were fine. Due to fear the leak would eventually get worse, I purchased another new head gasket and pulled the head back off. What my question is: can I put some of that pasty-like gasket sealant (some is black in color, some is brown, and some is blue in color) that you can purchase in a tube, and put this on my new head gasket? I've applied this gasket sealant stuff of every gasket on this tractor but I never used this stuff on a head gasket before. Just wondering if this is a good or bad idea.