1948 Case DC

This DC is on an upcoming auction in Kenyon MN at the end of May. I have no affiliation with the owner or auction, just posting for anyone interested in checking it out. I believe I do have the mechanical lift arms that go to a DC, just wondering if anyone would have a closer image or part number for the arms to make sure it would fit this model. There are a few other Case items on this auction including a couple vintage JI Case wrenches and some 16th scale tractors. This gentleman had quite the collection of vintage wrenches of various brands and designs. Some brands include Rock Island, Case, JD, IHC, and countless other names. So if anyone wants to take a trip back in time check them out at the link provided.

Case DC

HM Auction Company May 28th Auction

I'm not looking to buy the tractor, I have the mechanical lift arm assembly that I thought would work on an SC I have, but it doesn't. If anything I'll contact the auction company and leave a message that if the person buying it would like the arms I'll sell them. I just wanted to make sure that the assembly I have is for a DC. Part numbers associated with the pics I took are as follows: CTA75, CTA75, CTA77, 03820AB. If anyone has a parts book with those numbers to help me better understand what this assembly goes to is greatly appreciate that info.


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Yes what you have is for the earlier motor lift/mechanical lift.
I put one of those on a DC a couple of days ago.
On the hydraulic bail the cylinder attaches to the bottom left of the bail.
The forward end of the cylinder would attach to the front/left of the draw bar support.

I looked those casting numbers up and that was used on the early D tractors.
That bail uses the long lift-assist springs that go up over top of each axle housing and anchor to
an angle iron that straddles the top of the transmission.
Such as you see on a C and CC tractors.
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