1948 Case VAC


Hi guys

Picked up a case vac today. Trying to get the pulley working. It does have the hydraulics on it as well. For some reason the shaft is spinning and is not attached to the engine. Am I missing something? I looked and found ones without the hydraulics you can slide the pulley in or out to engage, but with hydraulics dont do that from my understanding. Also I noticed the outer bearing was bad and the seal. How do I find some part numbers for those? Im guessing I will have to remove the whole assembly and fix this issue. Im assuming the torque tube needs to be drained before the pulley housing comes out?
I am not clear on what your pulley is doing wrong?

The 1st link is the pre 1949 VA operator's manual that has the belt pulley and high pressure hyd pump. I don't know if it covers you problem. The pump does have a lock-out that just prevents it from pumping but doesn't have any thing to do with the belt pulley itself.

Of interest with part of your problem is this note:

The 2nd link is a VA parts manual that covers the pre 1949 pulley and high press hyd pump.
https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article 1443&context tractormuseumlit

https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article 1457&context tractormuseumlit

Thanks for the parts manual. That should help a lot. The pulley (well pulley shaft, there is no pulley) is not turning. Engine running, out of gear, clutch not depressed, wont spin at all. I was able to spin the nut by hand with a wrench and the hydraulics worked. Weirdly enough it seemed in every position the lever was it was causing the cylinder to move out.
Try locking out the pump. Maybe the pump rocker rollers are partially broken or misaligned, not riding the cam lobes properly causing the gears to move out of mesh.

Many of the part nrs starting with VT have been changed to newer part nrs for the same item. You may need the substitute part nr to find a part so post the the VT p/n and I or someone here may be able to cross-ref to a later p/n.

Ill have to look at that later. Just rebuilt carb and adjusted gov rod how Ive seen in manual as well as other posts. Governor has no response that I can tell. I had hand throttle wide open, then adjusted rod until the carb plate was wide open. Just seems more throttle input makes it keep going faster not sure why. Possibly governor needs replacing? How big of a job would that be and are parts still available?
You need to pull the timing cover to get at the gov assembly, I don't know what parts are available any more. A good source for parts, if they are not available here at the YT store, is John Saeli (315) 585-9826. John is a long time poster and vendor here, lots of Case tractor experience.

Before you get into the gov internals check everything else first. Make sure all the throttle linkage moves freely w/o any binding, the guide bracket VT336 can get gunked up, clean and oil, etc. The linkage from the gov to the carb should be adjusted fly wide open but 1/16 inch from the stop pin.

The gov spring VT3280 opposes the centrifugal force of the gov actuator that is mounted to the front of the cam gear.

Disconnect the air cleaner, run the engine above idle, when running fairly smooth upset the gov arm. If the gov returns to a fairly even rpm, then the problem is not likely in the gov drive. Note that the gov spring tension can be adjusted by those 2 lock nuts to raise or lower the rpm versa gov movement.

Don't discount the high rpm problem is not elsewhere like a leak in the engine air intake/manifold.



Joe, I did look over all that and made sure everything was lubricated. I noticed a lot of wear on the gov shaft (1/8 inch or better). Trying to take the crank nut and pulley off but cannot get the nut free. Any tricks to get these off this tractor? I can tell I wont be able to use a socket and impact sadly.
Ok got the front cover off. Yep the governor is severely worn. If I hold the gov still (part that connects to carb), I can move the little L shaped bracket around .25 inches. Also looks like that little L shaped piece, and the dishes of the gov has quite a bit of wear. Hopefully some parts are available.
Ok here are some people that may have some of the parts. I doubt YT site will have any but you might check with them first.

John Saeli in NY (315) 585-9826. I think John only sells new parts. He might be able to give you some leads.

Don Livingston in MN (507) 433-0073 Don Has a large salvage yard. Call him in the am best.

Jean Claude Marleau L'Orignal, Ontario 613-632-9445. J.C. sometimes comes up with hard to find parts.


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